eeteed! Michele! Slatts! Where'd everybody go? Come back, I'll stop talking about the Creators' Bill of Rights, I promise!
You really learn a lot about the world while image searching on the web. I was searching for a good ear for that magum opus I am working on with Mark Landman when I learned about the Queer for the Ear CD series.
Later I was searching for another ear, but I did not want to look at the same old ears again. This character is green so I searched "green ear". That is when I learned there are tons of forums and websites devoted to the dreaded GREEN EAR and how to remedy it. Green Ear is what happened to many vintage Barbie dolls when their earrings went bad.
At my day job (you know, at the brunch theater) we publish many informational products for teens. Just try image searching "teen" if you want a lot of unwelcome porno links and an unsettled feeling about the world around you. Not recommended for parents of teens!
I thought my link to Jabberous had somehow connected to some CSPAN network...Senate hearings or some lawyerese....
But now I see we're talking "green ear". Poor Barbra needs hypo-allergenic earrings. Them damn '60's earrings just go funky on ya!
But who rubber headed dolls suffer from the same diseases rubber headed people suffer from?
My early 60s Barbie got green ear! It was sad. I had to put her to sleep in her Barbie Dream Funeral set.
I got green ear myself once from a cheap pair of earrings, but it rubs right off... hey, there's a new idea for a HOT fad! Piercings, tattoos, and colored body holes!
"Just try image searching "teen""...
While collecting reference for the Dick Cheney story in "The Bush Junta", I was trying to find a picture I had previously seen of Dick Cheney when he was younger. A more vile, evil looking man has yet to be seen on this planet... At any rate, I was having trouble locating it and added "young" to my search terms...
It's amazing the amount of stuff that comes up if you type "young Dick Cheney" into Google, unfortunately Google REALLY focuses on those first two words...
Yeah, basically any search for anything brings up unsettling images. Any word, no matter how innocent, brings you to every hardcore site on the web.
But when I Googled 'ass porn' it brought me to the Care Bears site. Go figure!
One of the local elementary school teachers got a sobering lesson on online searches years ago when he helped a student look up "cat" and suggested typing in similar words --- and the innocent girl typed in "P-U-S-S-Y C-A-T" -- well, you get the idea.
Green ear? Huh -- I torched my sister's Barbie once. Now, THAT was cool. Her plastic skin swelled and went spongy, like the hapless humans exposed to the highly radioactive sludge in the old Hammer sf opus X, THE UNKNOWN, blistered a pleasing shade of brown, then began to bubble and smoke and -- well, it was a mighty spectacle.
Ken went next.
i am here. i enjoyed reading your creators' right entries... just didn't have anything to contribute to it.
If only I could have found Skipper -- it would have been the torch for her, too!
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