son of jabberous

Here's another chunk of the cover of the FREE jabberous zine that will be included with Runaway Comic #2. Artwork by me and The Amazing Mark Landman!

Please note: This is NOT the FREE mini-comic you will be able to get when you order #2 from That is YET ANOTHER free incentive I am giving away to promote RUNAWAY SALES of Runaway Comic. In the words of the great Ron Popeil, "But wait! There's more!"

How could I forget this???

the BIGGEST FATTEST reason I chose Runaway Comic over Wabbit:

Editorial interference in the daily comic strip industry - legendary

Editorial interference in the alternative comics industry - practically non-existent

Also, confirmation that I made the correct decision - zero comments on Wabbit
question #6 (cont'd from this)

what are some of your favorite animated cartoons?

That one is easy. Hands-down my favorite contemporary cartoon is the Simpsons.

I love all of the classic Disney cartoons. Anything before they got lazy and started making stuff like The Jungle Book and The Sword in the Stone.

I love the Fleischer Popeyes and Betty Boops.

I absolutely love the Canadian short "The Big Snit".

concerning my stunning announcement, anonymous commented:
"Can you delegate an imposter to 'play' you at APE? Like, rent a chippendale dancer to impersonate you as a slick schmoozing ink stud??"

I am happy to report that bonzogal has volunteered to do just that! She is obviously not Chippendale material, but she did offer to strap her boobs down to appear more manly. I don't know if Fantagraphics will actually let her sit at the FBI booth, but she'll be there evangelizing and waving copies of Runaway Comic at people, so if you see her, say hello. And give her money.


BonzoGal said...

Hells yeah, I'll be there in my Bad Mans shirt, tackling alterna-fanboys at the knees in the aisles, and making sure every panel includes at least one mention of Montgomery Wart. ("Is it true that a Montgomery Wart/Luba crossover is in the works, Mr. Hernandez?")

I promise to send all moneys collected to the "Mark Martin Fund for More Cornbread on the Table." (Because who wouldn't want to see more cornbread on the table?)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Runaway was a better idea. Wabbit is okay, but you know what I really liked? 'Holy Mackerel'. I always wished that ended up somewheres. Or has it, and I just missed it?

SRBissette said...

No, I think "Pinata Head" was the greatest Mark Martin comic in terms of unrealized potential EVER. I dream of BRAINIAC vs PINATA HEAD movies, SANTO smashing Pinate Head in the ring, vampire women sinking their oversized choppers into Pinata Head only to clog their dentures in South-of-the-Border tootsie roll knockoffs.

How do I make sure I get copies of EVERY RUNAWAY COMIC giveaway comic?? Must have! MUST!