I didn't like the colors in that Major Weeny panel. Here's the fix.
I love these Rube Goldberg contraptions and I find the comments under them fascinating. I wonder what all the geniuses who post "Dude, get a life!" do with their life.
This is cool too.
I like the woodwork!;-)
I wonder what all the geniuses who post "Dude, get a life!" do with their life.
Probably not much, since they don't seem intelligent enough to realize that these are clips from a television show and the people are actually getting PAID to make them, not just "finding the time" to do them (although that wouldn't be too bad either).
Some people just like going to YouTube to put everyone down because it makes them feel better about themselves. They're usually the types who wind up blowing their hands off making homemade bombs in the woods behind their homes.
I just noticed your "This is cool, too" link. Wow! That thing is incredible. Seems so simple, but I'm sure it takes quite a mind to make something like that work.
The only problem with these Teeny Weenies is that I have to buy Nickelodeon to read them. Well actually that's not true--usually I read them in the grocery store. But that magazine, aside from the comics section and a few wacky puzzles and games, is more or less Tiger Beat. It's not fair. If they'd just put out a comic book, I'd buy THAT.
As for the Rube Goldburg type deals: I've seen this before--yep, it's a Japanese TV show. It trips me out that they could make a whole show with nothing but an endless series of these things. It's pretty hypnotic. I don't know how they keep it fresh. Whoever puts these things together must think about nothing else. If you don't absolutely love your job, I could see how it could drive you completely nuts.
But yes, that pi-na-go-ra-su-i-c-chi thing and the theme song in general is pretty bonkers. Too long listenning to that and it starts to make me want to throttle something.
Japanese children's programming can be kind of sweet. There's this show, Galaxy Express 9999, and it's got this very syrupy soundtrack, and it has the words in Karaoke so the kids can sing along with it. Imagiining all these cute little Japanese children singing along with the TV has just got to be the most adorable thing in the whole world.
There was this video of somebody doing a reproduction of the Mona Lisa on MS Paint on Yahoo today, and it said they did it in 2 and a half hours, and one of the comments was something along the same lines, "what a waste of time, get a life" and so forth.
But yeah, 2 and a half hours? That's them watching a Friends marathon or the USA movie of the week. I just wonder how these people can justify in their minds the idea that their time is so extraordinarily valuable by contrast. It must be only lawyers and life coaches that leave those messages. Or, I don't know, assholes.
There was this video of somebody doing a reproduction of the Mona Lisa on MS Paint on Yahoo today, and it said they did it in 2 and a half hours, and one of the comments was something along the same lines, "what a waste of time, get a life" and so forth.
But yeah, 2 and a half hours? That's them watching a Friends marathon or the USA movie of the week. I just wonder how these people can justify in their minds the idea that their time is so extraordinarily valuable by contrast. It must be only lawyers and life coaches that leave those messages. Or, I don't know, assholes.
I also like when a celebrity gives an opinion on politics, and blog posters will say something along the lines of "What does he know about politics? He should stick to acting" "or "Who cares what she thinks? Go back to singing." But these same people feel it's perfectly fine to spout THEIR opinion about politics. You never see them say "I don't have an opinion on Iraq, I'm just going to stick to writing purchase orders."
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