Well, it's the only one we have. Me and Benny the person wonder if that missing right-hand page may have the REAL ending - and what could it be?
The REAL ending may say:
"Then Benny slammed and locked his door, and began the slow, painful process of digestion."
Or the real ending MAY say:
" 'I love you people!' Benny cooed. 'I never told you this, but I love it when you rub your bottoms on my upholstery!' So all of the people did a little squirmy sit-down dance on Benny's seats. 'Sighhhh' sighed Benny. 'It's so nice to be a reformed criminal.' "
I have creepy conflicted feelings about this book. It gives me a warm fuzzy glow to enjoy something that was not focus grouped to death and fretted over. It appears to have no real moral to impart. In fact, it is just barely able to stay coherent.
So that's cool. Kind of refreshing. And I love the art! Even the wrongness of it is right on!
So why do I have this nagging urge to slap the creators and yell "HEY! Wake up, you're running off the road!" ?
Here's something Benny and I found while trying to google up more info on this book. I did not share it until now because I did not want it to pollute your concept of Benny. I think this is a wonderful program. But I don't think that is the real Benny the Bus. The real Benny the Bus is yellow.
Oh, well. It's an ending.
I've read worse.
Oh, a new search is underway!
Bennie the Bus's true ending MUST BE FOUND!
I like the slow digestion ending...could be a feature film to rival The Car with James Brolin.
Quick get it now:
Dude with the lunchbox is standing a bit close to upright business man, don't you think?
Pretty strange that the cover on the ebay book is torn in nearly the same place as on Mark's book.
I guess that lower-left corner had something on it that really angered kids in the '50s.
"Well!" thought Benny to himself, "That will teach me to ever desire freedom again! From now on, I will be happy to follow the orders of my corporate masters! Freedom through hard labor, that's for me!"
Two months later, the city went bankrupt and stopped all funding for public transportation. Benny was sold to a Guatemalan scrap merchant and was crushed, screaming, into a shiny cube of yellow steel.
"Two months later, the city went bankrupt and stopped all funding for public transportation. Benny was sold to a Guatemalan scrap merchant and was crushed, screaming, into a shiny cube of yellow steel."
The options are endless!
"But I don't think that is the real Benny the Bus. The real Benny the Bus is yellow."
And a pervert.
Please also note the creepy-faced jack-in-the-box on the inside back cover. He's wielding a book... I would guess the Necronomicon.
Benny isn't yellow
He's chicken!
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