Our old pal Val from Four Eyes Joke Shop sent me this news article about her son's senior shenanigans. And here's a website where you can buy a duck and support Our Right To Be Wacky!

The actual Jed! This photograph is pretty darn clear, unlike all those grainy photos you see on the sci-fi channel and elsewhere. I think he really exists! Call me crazy!
Now if I could just get a photo of eeTeeD...
Note to Jed, in answer to the encouragement to keep sending my kids' books out: ABSOLUTELY! When I said the project is over, I only meant so much as it prevents me from doing pinups for Everything. Thanks for your support and faith in my ministry!

JUST KIDDING! I'm 99% sure Bissette is not in the tank for Ron Paul, but it makes a great headline. Here's what I'm talking about: Bissette and I had a little debate here. Then when I finally went googling to see what kind of info I could dig up about any class action lawsuits against FOX, this is all I could find (although I admit in full disclosure that I only searched for about 5 minutes. I got mouths to feed, I can't play on this damn internet all day!)

Hemlockman commented recently that I should get an agent, why don't I have an agent. The short answer is that I haven't met one yet. The long answer is that I'm stubborn and hate to waste time doing things that I think are pointless, and possibly harmful. Like going to college. KIDS! DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME. I just always knew that college was not right for ME! I'm not really so stubborn about agents. On the one hand, I do think it's frustratingly stupid, and seems suspiciously unnecessary, for publishers to insist on that extra layer of padding. On the other hand, I know a GOOD agent can and will make me (and him/her) more money than I can make without one.
SO ANYWAY - the answer is now moot to hemlockman because he did accept my challenge and introduce me to an agent - even before I made the challenge! He's psychic! The guy's downright spooky!
Where will it all end? I'll have to open up a fork store! Because of all these forks in the road!
If the agent is who I think it is, then you're in good hands.
I have a really good agent. He negotiated a great movie deal for me. It's especially nice to have someone who understands all of that legal gobbleydygook.
Linking me with Paul via two pix side by side is loopy, and you apparently completely misunderstood our online back-and-forth ("debate"? your standards are wonky there!) -- I never said at any point there WAS any legal action being mobilized against Fox News, and in fact stated more than once it wouldn't happen. Thanks for confirming that, too.
Agents -- good luck!
Well now you're just being quarrelsome. I never said you did say there there was any legal action being mobilized. And now we must debate the meaning of debate?
To quote WGC: "Lordy Mercy!"
It's a fake! Obviously that's just a blurry tree stump with Mark's glasses perched on the top. Nobody's fooled by this kind of chicanery!
It's a fake! Obviously that's just a blurry tree stump with Mark's glasses perched on the top. Nobody's fooled by this kind of chicanery!
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