everything 40

The quality goes away before the name goes with it!

ALSO: Here is another completely fabulous piece of artwork that lucky Benny scored at Studio By The Tracks. This one is by John Alexander.

The fragile nature of many SBTT pieces concerns me. My Teeny Weeny artwork that was drawn especially for me by Michael Hall is drawn on the inside of the back cover of a moldy old book. Which is really cool, great texture etc - but it actually has mold on it! What to do? I have tried to clean the mold off of book covers before, and it's pretty impossible!

How structurally sound is this old window Benny bought? It would be terrible if one of the panes fell out and smashed!

Oh well. Ashes to ashes.


1 comment:

James Robert Smith said...

I once asked an artist if he worried about doing illustrations on high acid cardboard that he was using.

He reacted as if I were crazy. It was art. Its longevity didn't really matter to him.

Of course he made a good point.