slatts said...

So, did you shirk your duties as fire marshall to run home and draw rainbows?

You know, it's interesting this silly visual word code or whatever the frick is called, is actually attempting some jabberwocky words. It use to be a mix of letters, period, but now they're like little words.

Mine is Anti Onc

Kerfuffle said...

Okay,okay, damn them there torpedoes, I am going to get into this project come Heck or High water.

I am already wondering. Where is Gabby in this scene, is it the bedroom at his Mother's house, a crack den, or is it his secret hideout, where he awaits the sighting of the grand and glorious Rainbow?

Will all be revealed or is it just a non descript window that will never be seen again? Only one man knows - and he's not talking ;-)

Bill Anderson said...

6 Days! I'm suffering from withdrawals. When, oh when, will the next installment appear?

Mark Martin said...

Friday! Or sooner. As they say, "life happens". The snow plow smashed my mailbox! And much much other stuff too horrifying to tell!