slatts said...

Who the Hell is that Godforsaken flesh-colored dildo.... WILSON?

Mark Martin said...

Wow, that was quick! YES! Only it's not Wilson, it's Doc Johnson!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a big remote you have!

Awesome Wilson/Doc Johnson dildo. Genius!

Pinkhamster said...

I was thinking Yorrick. "Alas, poor Yorrick... I knew him, Fellatio"

Jed Alexander said...

Whoah. When did you post this? Did you Facebook this one?

eeTeeD said...


where u been?

Mark Martin said...

No, I'm not gonna facebook every post. I assume most people only check here periodically to see a batch of stuff. I know I would not want to be "pushed" to look at every single tier that goes up, so I don't want to be a spammer.

Pinkhamster said...

H3Y, eeTeeD!!

I was off bein' weird, as usual! I didn't know anyone would miss me!