This one actually WAS doodled by the scanner – it’s not THAT fast. (See Slatts’ comment on yesterday’s post. Slatts, don’t forget, I still use the old battleship scanner!)
I love these guys, whatever they are. Old Jewish sperm fish? Calling Emery Calame! Or anybody else! I dare you to write a caption for this. If Hemlockman sees this we’ll find out who is about to kill who, and in what manner.
I have not forgotten Crazy Boss. It’s been a mixed up couple of weeks. Some work, some play. The next two pages of C Boss are in production. I should have one or both up next week. Meanwhile, here’s one panel of a 4-panel Teeny Weeny comic I just finished for Nick Mag (with Sculptor Ricks’ help. Thanks, Sculptor Rick!)

Hyam, what say we go over to the deli and check out the new gefilte fish? I hear she's cute.
"Battleship Scanner"
Isn't that that one-hit from the Georgia Satellites?
"You got me tied down on
A Battleship Scanner
50 minutes long
and two gag doodle..."
"No, your joke was hilarious! Didn't you see the water shoot out my nose?"
"And they told me this club was exclusive!"
Richard Attenborough voice:
While the rare Schnoz-fish somewhat resembles its distant cousin, the Common Vaudevillian False-Schnoz-Fish, many oceanographers, among them the late Jacques Cousteau, feel it is a substantially less funny creature...
Those glasses don't fool me! You're that Super Fish Guy!
Yes Mr. Kissinger I agree. There IS something fishy going on here.
Ce n'est pas en concurrence deux poissons dans un subaquatique concours du péter.
" This is not two fish compteting in an underwater farting contest."
Rene Magritte
They're both doomed. They breathe air and those bubbles represent their dying gasps.
But they're objective rationalists and so are not in a panic about it all.
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