Woo hoo! It's gonna have a store and everything! So start saving your quarters!
This is my rough sketch for the homepage. The colors and characters and objects and cars and just about everything will look different. But you get the general idea.
I got a store, but I'm just not getting that factory outlet traffic. So, sell lots of stuff! I'll probably buy something, at any rate, though you never quite sold me on those sold out Yeah Butts. But that's just me. Maybe it's because i have no children to rear.
And why bother to grid it off? Why not just lightbox it, if you're going that route?
Thanks for the input folks. Don't feel bad if you don't buy anything. I'm not expecting huge sales, just making it easy to use PayPal for those rare people who are looking for sketches or original art etc.
Jed, the grid lines will be used to slice it up into jpgs that I can turn into clickable links when I reassemble them in a table on the website.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product! I assume you're using the photos as reference and the final piece will be a Mark Martin original? Or are you making a photo montage?
I saw a really weird but amusing video on youtube. It was a redub of that goofy "slap chop" informercial with "Vince" (who recently got arrested for punching a hooker). His voice was replaced by taunt lines from a character in some online video game I've never played.
I got a store, but I'm just not getting that factory outlet traffic. So, sell lots of stuff! I'll probably buy something, at any rate, though you never quite sold me on those sold out Yeah Butts. But that's just me. Maybe it's because i have no children to rear.
And why bother to grid it off? Why not just lightbox it, if you're going that route?
That's cool!
Look out, everybody! Here comes Wal MARTIN!
Thanks for the input folks. Don't feel bad if you don't buy anything. I'm not expecting huge sales, just making it easy to use PayPal for those rare people who are looking for sketches or original art etc.
Jed, the grid lines will be used to slice it up into jpgs that I can turn into clickable links when I reassemble them in a table on the website.
One hour MARTINizing, heh heh.
Looking forward to seeing the finished product! I assume you're using the photos as reference and the final piece will be a Mark Martin original? Or are you making a photo montage?
It's a painting. The photos are just for reference. The names on the signs will change a bit...
I saw a really weird but amusing video on youtube. It was a redub of that goofy "slap chop" informercial with "Vince" (who recently got arrested for punching a hooker). His voice was replaced by taunt lines from a character in some online video game I've never played.
The gestures really work with the timing.
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