texas, our largest state, is a world of its own


slatts said...

You with your oil refinery legs
And Lone Star beer
Like a derrick in the sky
Ask why?
Why not tits on a bull!

greg said...

I don't think Texas is bigger than Alaska. Nice try though, Texas.

James Robert Smith said...

Ah, Texas. Home of the King of the Morons. That's his daddy and momma pretending not to be from Kennebunkport.

"ometsy", word for the day.

Mark Martin said...

slatts - your poetry stirs my soul

greg - alaska and hawaii were not yet states when this book was published (but I'll include them in this series)

hman - your hatred is a mighty force of nature

Bill Anderson said...

Okay, if there's a blank white page in the book, that'll work for Alaska, but how will you manage to include Hawaii??!!