arkansas is home of hot springs, world famous spa


Anonymous said...

argh kansas :-)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

forgot to add layout

James Robert Smith said...

Looks like a monster inspired by Basil Wolverton. Was it? Did you know that Basil Wolverton illustrated a version of the Bible? I need to order a copy...I hear it kicks ass.

"slifflar" I seen one o' them a-bloomin' in the sliffield.

Mark Martin said...

Jed meant "It"... I think...

Although nothing is truly original I think I can honestly say this was not inspired by BW. I was half-asleep and passing out in bed as I laid down the base inks for this thing and I'm pretty sure I was just free-associating. I have no memory of BW in my brain that night. Of course I can see the similarities, and would not hesitate for an instant to give the man his due if I ever do steal from him - which I have done! More than once!

That Bible stuff has been around a long time. Why all the hub-bub about it lately? Did it just recently get officially published in a delux edition or something?

James Robert Smith said...

I'd heard for years about the Wolverton Bible and had seen excerpts from it. But I can't say why (or even "if") it's getting more press lately. All I can say is that I discovered it lately. Just by surfing the net...I was surprised to find that his son has a website--he does mildly left-wing political cartoons (he's pretty good, too).

Rick Grimes said...

Fantasmagoric phestoonery.

I knew that slime from trees turned into SOMETHING when we weren't

James Robert Smith said...

Speaking of Biblical toons, I wish that Chester Brown would do something with the New Testament material that he was running many years ago. It was one of the most effective graphic versions of Jesus I've ever seen--including all of the movies and thinly-veiled retellings packaged as modern yarns.