
It's a crappy picture, but I love it because it's her last picture. Cocoa went to puppy heaven a week ago.

This picture is blurry because she did not want to come out of her office. She had 3 offices. (1) Between the toilet and the bathtub, (2) in the chair in the back bedroom, and this one - (3) under the couch in the living room. Every time I'd get her in frame and looking good, she'd duck back under the couch. So I finally stopped pestering her and left her to tend to her filing, or whatever she was doing under there. We were never really sure.

She sure was a wonderful girl. ♥


Mark Martin said...

(not part of the Prague Travelague of course - just some news from Lake Wobegon)

cKasterine said...

sorry about Cocoa. a sweet dog.

dogboy443 said...

MM, very sorry to hear about Cocoa. She's happy and healthy and running with her life-long companion somewhere safe.

James Robert Smith said...

I'm sorry to hear of your puppy's death. Dogs are generally very sweet companions.