In regards to Runaway, is everything still a go for your book signing tomorrow?
(clever reminder about the book signing tomorrow at Modern Myths)
Jeannie has a TON of cakes and juice boxes to feed the hungry hoardes!
Free Nickelodeon Magazines (featuring Teeny Weeny) for the kiddies WHILE THEY LAST! THANK YOU, NICKELODEON!!!
Meet Runaway Comics technical assistant Brigham Martin (if you catch him as he flits in and out of the store).
If you don't go you will hate yourself.
Cakes make by Jeannie??
What kind of cakes?? "Pound"? Oh man, if it's a bunch of little Jeannie pound cakes I'm gonna die for missing it.
I found a hairball behind the bed last night and put it in the toilet, but Jean took it out because she was afraid it might cause problems with our septic tank.
Your friend,
I agree...cakes made by Jeannie...mmmm. big was this hairball, Ben?
The hairball was a product of Zoey and Spike, two long haired, obnoxious but dear papillons.
Hardwood floors and lack of sweeping causes them to appear at times in odd places.
Hairball was quite substantial.
Away from the hairball, back to the cake... Is cake available by mail?
looks like the the signing was a great success!
i ate a juicebox and choked on it and spit up all over my runaway comic which did not runaway in time to avoid getting splashed on.
all in all i am very mad. plus i tried to eat a piece of cake but it was moving and every time i tried to pick it up it flew across the room and into the mouth of that guy from new hampshire who must have eaten 50 cakes that day -- i saw it with my own eye.
fish started entering the store around 2 o clock and that is when i knew this was a low class gathering so i picked up my stuff and left -- minus cake, thank you very much. i had to buy a case of twinkies on the way home and spread chocolate frosting made from crayons on top. finally i was happy. happy without you, mark martin and your silly comic book for silly cake eating people, right?
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