
Last night I dreamed I was lost out in the country and I walked down this little dirt road that had "fool the eye" brickwork painted alongside the road. I came upon a house that had big rocks arranged at the peak of a small hill in the yard. I was admiring it when I accidentally knocked a rock loose and it rolled down the hill. I confess I kinda pushed it, but not with malicious intent, just curiosity, but as soon as it started rolling I felt the icey realization that I had just vandalized. A nice young black man named Dave picked the rock up to put it back. But I could tell it was way too heavy for one man, so I tried to help. But he ran up the hill with the rock, as if to show off his strength. He was kinda "slow" mentally.

Then the rock he had just replaced tumbled loose, along with ANOTHER rock, and they both rolled over Dave, crushing him. I ran over to try to help, but he was dead. The owner of the house ran out, all upset about his rocks. I said "CALL 911! CALL 911!" but all he cared about was his rocks.

When I turned around to look at Dave again, he was GONE! But there was a boy about 10 there. Then I saw another boy about 8. Then I excitedly tried to explain to the selfish homeowner the miracle of the 18 year old Dave that had split into two young boys.

Then I woke up and was convinced this dream was BRILLIANT and was surely the nucleus of a great and profound story.


BonzoGal said...

And so it is.

Anonymous said...

It's no Harvey Pekar, but it's not bad.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for the love of Dave, illustrate the story already!

I want to see how RockHenge looked in your dream.

Anonymous said...

Dreams like that are freaky. I would have been consumed with guilt when the rocks crushed Dave. I would have woken up then, and missed the whole "mathy" denouement.

It would be a great illustration, truly.

slatts said...

And then there was another, and another...

And the boys started a rock band...

And first hit single was "Dave's not stone!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Dave shows up in my dreams all the time only he's a 40 year old Lebanese guy who thinks that the dinosaurs died out because of a highly toxic and rapidly growing fungus infestation that is currently in a dormant state about seven feet below the ground waiting for the right intensity of sunlight to hit it again to take off.

Anyway if you see Dave again tell him that I need him to find out where the talking sheep with the robotic eyes took my old lawnmower. I may have hidden some important dream-tax information in the gas tank. I need those W2's by April or I could end up in dream jail.

Emery Calame