very special!

Here at last is the very special picture that Michael Hall drew for me! I met Michael and the other artists and staff at Studio by the Tracks while I was in Alabama. What fun! I wanta be there! Drawing with Michael and Art and that girl who was drawing the birds - What was her name, Benny, I'm terrible with names! And that guy who sang the Jewish songs, what was his name? What a great time we had that day. Michael was drawing six (6) Campbell's Soup cans - all part of his products series, NOT a Warhol pastiche. So I drew a Campbell's Soup can for Michael and he drew a Teeny Weeny for me. It was one of the grandest days of my life.

Afterwards, Benny and I had lunch at the Whistle Stop Cafe. Your attention, please! They do NOT cook fried green tomatoes correctly at the Whistle Stop Cafe! The food was all great, even the fried green tomatoes. But they have their own unique way of cooking them. So don't think you are getting traditional Southern Soul Food fried green tomatoes if you ever eat them at the Whistle Stop. Just an FYI, not a bad review. Like I said, lunch was awesome.

Back to my wonderful Michael Hall art: They have cabinets and shelves and bins full of interesting things to draw and paint on at the Studio. Michael drew my Teeny on the back of this old book cover, "Eugenics and Sex Harmony". Well, of course I just had to google THAT! What a fuktup book! And look at this! You can buy it on amazon!


Anonymous said...

"There are over three hundred girls in the institution for the feeble-minded in Indiana who, if treated in this manner [tubal ligation], would be able to leave the institution and be self-supporting... They have not the character to resist the importunities of unprincipled men when thrown upon their own resources."

Bet it was hard to keep THAT place a secret...

James Robert Smith said...

Ah, bad old eugenics. What a crock! Of course we have our modern-day equivalents, but fortunately the courts keep putting a stop to that nonsense before it can infect our schools.

Nice to hear about someone having such a grand time doing basically ordinary things. I hate to admit this...but I've never had fried green tamaters. It's true!

eeTeeD said...

the cover you did for mr. dobbs' animation book is on display over at

Luke P. said...

Alex Jones just did a documentary called END GAME that covers a lot of the modern eugenics programs.
Check it out if you get the chance. Scary stuff indeed.
MArgaret Sanger called "The American NEgro" a "dysgenic weed" for instance...