martin gardens

The World's Greatest Cook made a flickr album of her lush horticultural explosion to show to her family and friends.


James Robert Smith said...

Paradise in New England!

Jed Alexander said...

We've just started a flower garden of our own recently! We took out all of our grass and removed 3 tons of dirt from our front and backyard with shovels and sweat. We've just planted a bunch of flowers and perennials and I never thought I would be so excited about flowers! It's going to look so cool!

And an impressive garden it is, sir. I have new respect for this sort of thing, and your garden is incredibly well organized and well maintained, and very lush. I think it totally adds to the whole atmosphere of your home. Those flowers would make me happy. And compaired to the World's Greatest Cook, we're total amateurs!

eeTeeD said...

but where are the beads?????!!!

Sordid Zine said...

Most of our gardens are pretty sparse to the moment. One of us will build up a new 'no dig garden' soon.

Our moss is growing very well though. And we think moss is nice.