no rant, just fact / SUMMIT #4!

It ain't easy to google up the old familiar PAMPERS logo either! They have some new thing too, or "relatively" new to me. But it's not as horrendous as the Bazooka logo, and who cares about an old diaper logo anyway? Even parents who desperately need them don't have a nostalgic attachment to the necessary evils. So I won't fuss about it - I'm just telling you, this research is hard work! WHEW! All these coal miners and firemen and police officers and football players get all the admiration for being such hard-working he-men, but when was the last time you saw one of those pansies google up an old pampers logo? I'm going to hold The Creators' Bill Of Rights Summit #4 right now, right here, all by myself!


1. Ditch the meaningless Harvey/Ignatz/etc awards and start giving out REAL awards for HARD WORK and BRAVERY in the creation of quality comics! I have a right to get some kind of a little statue to look at when I am tired or sad - a statue to remind me that I googled up an old Pampers logo! And that means something, dammit!

2. All cartoonists have the right to draw Mohammed without getting killed for it. THERE! Problem solved. I don't know what took us so long to think of that one!


eeTeeD said...

just a quick message to let you know i bought a copy of runaway comic, and it is fantastic! kudos to you, and looking forward to many more issues!

Mark Martin said...

Hooray for eeTeeD!

One down, 4,999 to go!

slatts said...

Unsung heroes of Amerika...artists of integrity...gettin' it right for the GP

poopy job butt somebodies gotta do it!

bravo, marky mark....

experiencin' a serious eighties flashback to an era when landfills full of plastic wrapped poop thanks to Pampers!


(Spamese translation: Why PuFFS Pay Only Cash)

Anonymous said...

I just looked at all the Bazooka Joe shit! WHAT IS THAT??? What kind of "staff of artists" came up with THATSHIT??
I'll bet they "focus grouped" the hell out of it, and THAT's what THEY CAME UP WITH???

You wanted an old Pampers logo for your little drawing there?? Do you need ME to find you one??

Re: the statue. I don't have a statue, but I DO have that "hand-sculpted" tiny woman's hand that I bought at the slutty smokers' place. I'll send you THAT if it will make you feel better. We ALL MUST WORK TOGETHER to see that you feel better.

I can't eat bubble gum anymore because it might pull my aged dental work right out of my head. And the sugar hurts all the sensitive places. So Bazooka Joe can blow me in anonymity.

Your ever supportive,

Anonymous said...

"All cartoonists have the right to draw Mohammed without getting killed for it. THERE! Problem solved. I don't know what took us so long to think of that one!"

Agreed, and BTW, looking forward to "The Adventures of Pumpie & Mohammed" in Runaway #3...

Go ahead, you KNOW you want to, I DOUBLE DARE you!

BonzoGal said...

Good News: There actually IS an award for hard work and bravery in the creation of quality comics, and your name is being discussed for nomination.

Bad News: The award ceremony is being held at the International Comics Con in Basra.

Good luck!