The mind-expanding qualities of this poster could blow your skullcap off! See how the young girl is juxtaposed against the old lady? That's heavy, man! And look at how their bodies are trompe l'oeiling all over the place. The Dali influences are through the roof! Especially the way the curve of the old lady's breast is created by the gill of that nipple-eyed fish.
Hallmark Cards' answer to all of this was of course "Thanks you, doesn't quite fit our needs." I even knew at the time what their answer would be, but I had to actually hear it, if only to prove to myself that I was correct. It's hard to explain. And really, who cares? Why waste more room on the internet explaining why I sent this stuff to Hallmark KNOWING it would not get me a job there? I didn't even WANT a job there. Not really. I think I was sabotaging the whole career path, I think that was at the bottom of it all.
Hey, yesterday I saw a "HIDDEN HITCH" trailer hitch under the back of a car. It really was hidden! It was totally un-noticeable, very clever product! The only reason I noticed it was because of the huge white "HIDDEN HITCH" logo on it.
I must remark on your bravery, sir, in unleashing your juvenalia loose on the world. The misguided intentions behind my own early attempts still smart after all these years. Besides, I never made any this cool.
Whoah, man!
I think my mind just expanded.
Did you do all this with markers?!! That just makes it all the more insane...
Did I ever see this in person?....it seems very familiar....did it ever hang on your wall "back in the day" ?
Hi Janet
I don't THINK this ever hung on the wall, but you probably saw it at some point. There are no pinholes in it or other evidence of hanging.
Jed, it's all markers and felt pens EXCEPT the blue sky and the red "chasm" in the old lady poster. Those are some kind of paint, probably acrylic.
Mark. I too have seen this work before (maybe when you were actually creating it, perhaps?).
This made me think of some of your other works, especially when you illustrated Todd Rundgrens' "Hello It's Me" for Janet.....I hope that still exists.
Yikes, I don't remember that at all. It doesn't even sound familiar.
Janet, DO NOT post it if you find such a monster, which I am sure you still have, since you save everything.
My next embarrassing revelation will be some commercial stuff I did at Advertising & Art Council in my early-mid 20s. HIDEOUS!
Yes! You drew that for me in high school.....my sister Lisa "swiped" it....I should have told her she had to give it back to me in exchange for the "strange head shaped rock carving thing" that I returned to her.
Whoooooa! Dude! Don't even TRY to tell me you weren't totally spaced out on some heavy drugs, man! Man!
Hello, Dali!
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