
Always the last to know! All the kool kids apparently knew about Jim Hawthorne all along, but I just discovered him last night when I heard this radio show. I just have one question: Dennis Day???

This morning I heard this one, and almost fell out of my chair! I swear I never hearda this guy way back when Murgatroid's little sister yelled "HOGAN MUFFIN!" I don't believe in New Age channelism, but it is nice to know that way back in the 40s somebody knew HOGAN-SOMETHING sounded funny.

There's also several Jim Hawthorne clips on youtube.

Benny says when you get to heaven this bottomless coffee cup of wonders will be yours for eternity. Isn't that a happy thought!


James Robert Smith said...

His voice sounds familiar. But I don't recall him at all.

However, his comedy seems to have preceded that of Ernie Kovacs, and Kovacs for some reason is still famous. Must have something to do with getting mangled to death in a car accident.

I was amused to see him performing with Joe Besser.

Mike Dobbs said...

Kovacs was busy on radio on the east coast while hawthorne was on the west coast. Kovac's later fame came from his national television shows.

Both these guys exhibit what is lacking from tV today: strong talented performers who are allowed to use the intimacy of TV to build a strong fan base.

Jed Alexander said...

I think what you say is lacking in TV is beginning to develop online, with stuff like Zefrank and Cute With Chris. They directly respond to e-mails and routinely incorporate fan input into their shows, and their shows are well produced and funny.

I think the internet is the future vehicle for a lot more diversity and awesomeness in broadcasting in general. (Or webcasting or whatever). I think some day you'll have internet shows that successfully compete with network shows. You'll have a lot more TV productions in general, both good and bad, but more. Lots more. Smaller audiences for a great number of programs and people making TV in their back yards--everything from comedy to dramatic series. With a green screen and a little imagination in a few years you'll be able to make stuff with great production values in your garage.

And best of all: The studios are going to have to make a greater number of low budget productions to compete. It's just not going to be feasible to spend a couple of hundred million dollars on a Hollywood movie. Less waste, and more choice!